Hey, it’s nice to meet you!
I am Marc-Anthony Hurr
You’ve generously opted to spend some of your extremely finite life consuming some pixels from my website.
Though I worked hard on making these pixels look really nice together, I am flattered, so thank you.
Life & Professional Coaching
Business Strategy
Life & Professional Coaching • Business Strategy •
As a Coach
At the risk of sounding a little too serious, I help entrepreneurs and creatives at all stages, on all paths, perform at the high level demanded by our dynamic present world.
Basically: you and I sit down and figure out what it takes to take your situation to the next level. Be it for you, or your business. This tends to be a lot of fun.
As a Writer
From time to time, I make words from popular symbols by dragging cylindrical writing instruments across paper. Then, I send the paper to people and hope that they will like it.
My businesses and writing have been featured in
Some growth musings that might tickle your interest
Yes this section is a little thin and the pictures are obviously stock photos, but I only launched this website the other day, so I thank you for kindly bearing with me (and sign up to my Newsletter in the meantime)
All you need to know on
Authentic Leadership
Believe it or not, our favourite club of boffins (aka science), have figured out that when you’re not faking it - that is, when you’re truly being yourself - you and your team quite naturally begin to perform closer to the upper limits of your potential.
The world’s greatest leaders, those who moved entire nations (Martin Luther King, Gandhi, etc), exhibited Authentic Leadership. Their might as holders of the north star was compelling because it tasted, and indeed was, real for their followers.
This is Authentic Leadership.
If you are a human, which is extremely likely if you are reading this, you’ll be performing somewhere between zero and the maximum potential that was available for you at birth. You have already far exceeded zero, so congratulations. But for most of us, there is a sense that life could be going better. That on some level, more than just once in a while, part of your self feels jaded.
It could be that the world around you is resisting your wishes. If you are a business leader, it could be that your organisation is not fulfilling your vision, or that if your colleagues were asked what they thought of you, after a few drinks, you might not like all their answers.
This is the normal result of living from a place of frequent inauthenticity.
There are many paths to reaching the excellence that follows from perfecting ever-more-precisely the art of Authentic Leadership. Some people are born with a gratuitous dose of the quality of mind necessary to achieve it, but most of us normies have to train. The work is always ultimately an individual challenge, but as with all other skill sets both mental and physical, there exists a faster path: one that includes a guide, and a set of tools.
First because this is my website, and I can write what I want, including this next short sentence that has nothing to do with anything: my favourite socks have mountains on them.
Second, because this is my website, and this is what I do. Sometimes I think that it would have been easier to try to become a champion at a sport with a smaller talent pool such as, say, tiddlywinks. But every time I turn my head away, it turns itself back here.
This is what I am here to do. So if you’re interested, come talk to me about it.
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